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...almost without exception, when we ask a family, "What are the charities that have truly made an impact on your life? And what organizations would you want to be sure are here for future generations?"  The first organization a family mentions is their church or place of worship.  Yet they did not know they could include their church, or place of worship nor were they sure how to include them. Now is the time to let our families know they have the opportunity!

Issues of the Heart



It is our belief that most planned gifts for religious organizations usually come out of the estates of families. We often find that many people make cash gifts to their church today because they want to see their church carry out current ministries and programs. Planned giving is usually something different. Families tend to give out of their accumulated assets when they are making decisions about the distribution of those assets when they are no longer needed.


Many families hang on to assets such as homes, land, retirement funds, art, insurance, etc. to assure the long-term stability of their family. There comes a time when a final distribution is required. This is the time for the wise stewardship of the distribution of God’s gifts. In addition to meeting family needs, we find that many people often have a church and other groups that have had deep meaning to them. It is at this point in life that a family will take the time to look deep into their heart to identify what has had strong meaning to their life and include their church in these plans.


It is not uncommon for a family to identify two or three charitable/religious institutions that have helped to make them who they are. When this occurs, the concept of including these charities in their distribution plan becomes an exciting and meaningful experience. These families are saying that their family is first and most important, but their church and others are also worthy of a gift.


Any family with strong feelings for their church can provide a meaningful future gift to their Church where the need os greates or the Endowment Fund. It could be as simple as providing for a percentage or fixed dollar amount in a will, if the individual has a will. We have seen families provide for a charitable distribution of “whatever is left” after specific needs are covered. Some families will include their church as a % beneficiary, or contingent beneficiary in an insurance policy or retirement fund.


As families include their church in their plans, no matter the size of the gift, they will provide for significant giving to their church and other local groups.


The motivation for this type of planned giving is really very different from giving to meet immediate annual needs. The individual giving from assets is giving with a more passionate approach. We are taking time to find out what is imbedded in our heart. It has been said “out of the heart are the issues of life”. When we include charities in our estate plans we are sharing with our families, friends and community who we really are as individuals. We are sharing what is important to us. We are leaving a legacy so that those that follow will know us and what our lives, in this world, were all about. In addition, we are making a gift to local organizations so that the experiences we enjoyed will be preserved for those that follow to enjoy.


We believe that stewardship is more than taking care of God’s gifts while we have them.  Stewardship also includes having wise plans for the distributions of God’s gifts when we are done with them.  What is in your heart?

Endowment Horizons
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